Who to Call For Drainage Problems in Yards

Who to Call For Drainage Problems in Yards

If your yard is full of water spots that don’t drain after rainstorms, you may need a professional to take care of the problem. A landscape contractor or excavator can help you solve the problem with a few easy solutions.

For example, you can install french drains or dig a creek bed to direct water away from the house. These solutions are easy to do and can also add beauty to the landscape.


Standing water can kill grass, saturate soil, and even lead to foundation problems. It can also be a health hazard, harboring mosquito larvae and other pests. Fortunately, there are solutions for these drainage problems.

The first step is determining what's causing the water to pool. A professional landscaper can analyze the yard to determine what the problem is, and find a solution. They'll take into account factors like slope, soil types, and other things.

They'll also know what the best options are, such as swales, French drains, or dry creek beds. These are solutions that can be difficult to do yourself, as they require locating underground utilities and digging quite precisely.


A yard drainage contractor can design a solution to reduce standing water and erosion. It may be a simple system such as a French drain, or it may require a more extensive and costly installation. Some experts recommend a combination of solutions to eliminate the problem, such as swales (shallow depressions), landscape drains, and contouring the soil to redirect water flow.

The best way to identify drainage issues is to watch for signs of standing water, such as flooded garden beds and overflowing gutters. It is important to address these problems as soon as they occur, since they can lead to expensive structural damage to the home and yard.

Some of the most common drainage problems are caused by a lack of slope and poor grading. Other causes include a downspout from a neighbor’s house that drains onto your property, or construction of new homes that change the slope of the land behind your home.


If you have spots in your yard that are soggy after rainstorms or where the water pooling never drains, it's likely due to a drainage problem. This could mean that you have a low spot in your yard or landscape, an incorrect pitch to the yard and soil that isn't properly graded to route rainwater away from your house or outbuildings. A simple solution is to add topsoil to the areas that are soggy after a rain event and rake it in. If that doesn't work, consider a more permanent solution such as a creek bed or swale that will solve the problem and also improve the landscaping look of your yard. You can even hire a company that offers a variety of outdoor drainage solutions.


Unless you have a lot of experience digging and know how to properly locate underground utilities, it’s best to call a landscaping company to help with yard drainage projects. These types of projects usually involve installing a French drain or similar perforated underground pipe to divert water from low points.

This helps prevent standing water that kills grass and other vegetation and causes a variety of other problems. For example, it can cause your concrete patio or walkways to crack and even crumble. In addition, it can erode the soil under your foundation and lead to basement flooding.

The right landscaping company can implement a drainage solution that will keep excess water away for several years. They can also create a landscape design that makes your yard look beautiful. The best part is that the solutions are cost-effective and long-lasting. For more information, contact the lawn care experts at Ware Landscaping in Barrington Hills. They can help you create a yard that will be the envy of your neighbors.

If you need help with your yard drainage issues – Southern Turf is at your service.  We are a full service landscape and tree service business, family owned and operated.

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Who to Call For Drainage Problems in Yards If your yard is full of water spots that don’t drain after rainstorms, you may need a professional to take care of the problem. A landscape contractor or excavator can help you solve the problem with a few easy solutions. For example, you can install french drains…